
Tuesday, November 25, 2003

After prayer tonight my family read this...

So for us many people, who out of great weakness cannot reach the measure of perfection, the Church strives and, grabbing us by the hand (step by step, just as the little children learn to walk), she tries to lead us toward the perfect, which is our theosis. That is the purpose which fasting has, also. It is not a ticket to Paradise, but it helps us obtain the ticket.

Father Epiphanos Theodoropoulos, Counsels for Life

"Grabbing us by the hand (step by step, just as the little children learn to walk)..."

The image of a parent steadying a child, taking them by the hand hits very close to home. Although Basil is a long way from walking, he is able to stand with the assistance of gentle hands directing him. He puts everything he has into simply locking his legs into an upright position. Once he has accomplished this small feat, he stands with arms outstretched and hands in tight fists, as he peers around the room quite proud of this accomplishment. In these sweet moments I want to tell him, "Son, I know exactly what you're feelin' right about now." Now if I can just get my feet kicking fast enough to move down this road. In this Nativity fast, I am so thankful for the Church, grabbing me by the hand. Otherwise I may not even be standing.

Glory to you who has shown us the light!

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