
Thursday, May 06, 2004

"...and there were added that day about three thousand souls."

Sara and James have both brought up a topic of special interest to me. Sara discusses a New Testament designed for appeal to teenage girls. James laments this in light of his Highschoolers at St. Paul's, "...imagine how you might sell asceticism to a teenager whose totally into fashion mags and watching 'Dawson's Creek'?"

More pertinant for me is James' concern with dressing up Orthodoxy for adults. Orthodox Christianity in our culture is a hard sell, as others have noted. So now I pose a real searching question(s), because I have not the answer. Was the experience of the faithful in Acts unique to that time and place? Should we still be baptizing people by the thousands? Finally, what is Orthodox Evangelism?

Update: See James' post here.

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