
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

“The Elevation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross.”

This morning while getting ready for work I attempted to have a bowl of yogurt for breakfast. I say attempted because Sara thwarted this effort with the crushing words, “Today is a fast honey.” My reply in tone and rhythm indicated my deep disappointment, “It is???’ ‘Honey, are you sure??’ ‘It’s only Tuesday.” I said with great hope of rectifying this sad news. But indeed the writing was on the wall or hanging on the wall at least. Ah, the trusty “Miracle Working Icons of the Theotokos” calendar from St. Anthony’s. Sure enough today was shaded some sort of drab pink, without even a hint of allowance for wine, oil, or some fresh once wriggling fish. So, toast it was with some organic, non GMO, vegan “spread”.

Later in the morning while enthroned in my bathroom, I had some thoughts flash through my mind (I know it sounds crude, but I do my best thinking here). The first was, “I shouldn’t have made that peanut butter malt an hour before bed.” This was followed by, “Gosh I am lazy…I oversleep…I don’t get up early enough to pray…I really need to start running again…” Finally, I recalled St. Paul’s words, “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection…” Then it hit me, the beauty of today, the wonder of the Church, the Grace each member is given in the life of the Church. These days of fasting and feasting, they are the Church's gentle way of helping us along in our weakness, that we may have the ability to participate with all the saints of ages past who accomplished just this, who brought their bodies into subjection and were thus enabled to fight and struggle and run and ultimately finish this race that so often we are tempted to drop out of. Today is another opportunity to struggle and participate in the salvation that through the cross and resurrection we have within our reach. This feast is filled with grace, the cross is truly life giving.

Kontakion tone 4

O Christ our God Who wast voluntarily lifted up on the Cross

grant Thy mercies to Thy new people named after Thee

Gladden with Thy power Orthodox Christians

and give them victory over their enemies

May they have as an ally that invincible trophy, Thy weapon of peace.

Author's note: Please take time and read through the article linked at the top.

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