Thursday, October 14, 2004
John reminded me with this link that Nativity or forgive me X-mas is quickly approaching, and with that plenty of binging and purging; drunkenness and carousing; and don’t forget buying lots of useless crap or even less thoughtful gift certificates! All this to celebrate nothing! Truly, what exactly are we celebrating? Consumerism, credit card debt, and land fill day? Hurray and Huzzah! Rejoice ye starving children and broken souls in sweat shops and dangerous fire trap factories for we Americans need you to work double time! Surely, you understand for our propped up economy needs our dollars to fund more wars on terror. Listen up ye shruggers and “conservatives”! This is no political statement; this is ethics all the way. Stop defending our throw away culture!
In summary what I am advocating is a fuller, more substantial and ultimately (I hope) more Christian way of celebrating the incarnation of God.