
Tuesday, November 23, 2004

"Further up and further in!"

David has reminded me of an important anniversary that slipped my mind this time around the calendar. Yesterday, the 22nd of November was the anniversary of the repose of C.S. Lewis. While all the world was focused on the death of JFK, Clive Staples Lewis slipped quietly into eternity. I wanted to post on this a couple of thoughts.

First, as it is often commented amongst converts to Orthodoxy, Lewis’ own theological leanings prepared many of us for Orthodoxy. Primarily for me was his view that Salvation is in fact Transformation. I began grappling with this concept several years before entering the Church and upon arriving found this one less hurdle to clear (not to mention his view of heaven presented in The Last Battle). This meant quite a lot to me, and I found myself saying, “Thank God for Lewis!”

Second, I’m posting this that we may keep him in our prayers. May God grant him rest amongst all his saints from all the ages, and may his memory be eternal.

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