
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Do You Smell That?

marlboro puffs

and that perfume your boyfriend bought

the rich sweet smell of exhaust from a 72’ dodge

dense particulate matter of black diesel chug

hyper sweet vanilla car fumigator

yes, i'’d love a bite of your french fries

old spice is not a supplement for bathing sir

stinging astringent smell of burning clutch

more tar please mr. tar truck

grey blue tire smoke penetrates closed helmet visor

horses eat hay right

cows eat rotted carcass

coffee yeah

sweet fruit truck

savory wheeled taco factory

magnesium white smoke flare

jasmine citrus sweet blooms

mom must have made casserole

freshly fried donuts

chinese delight

greek burger smoke

dryer sheets swirl

and i'’m home

You either have one hell of an incredible memory to not only remember all of them, but their order, or you are one DANGEROUS rider, writing all that down while riding yer motorcycle.

But either way...nice.
I was that last anonymous.

One of your best posts so far.
Is that a poem you wrote because if so I am going to post one of my poems on my blog and you had better watch out? :) Let loose - yay for unsuppression! Let freedom reign!
yes, i wrote it...i really thought it lame, mainly because there is little worse than BAD poetry...however, sara thought it a good idea and i needed new blog material...so there you have it.
yea, listen to sara...nice bro, very nice.
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