
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Dear Life...

I'd like to take another opportunity to plug the hell out of one of the world's most crushing writers, Bill Mallonee and his latest album Dear Life. Bill is a hard working musician playing about 160 shows a year. Take a minute to check out some of the free samples on his site and at Paste Music.

"Dear Life (***) This ex-Vigilantes of Love frontman is full of faith even when he's short on hope -Mallonee writes vulnerable, insightful songs that make those who fall under their spell yearn for a next installment. On this country-tinged album, Mallonee sings as if he has more on his mind than he can possibly express in the time he has. Mallonee's songs give words to shadowy fears of intimacy, of its loss, even of the value of what he feels compelled to do."

"Dear Life depicts a campfire singalong on the front cover and Mallonee in a cowboy hat on the inside booklet, and the music resembles the sweetened country-rock of Neil Young's Harvest album. That sound takes the edges off Mallonee's peculiar tenor and fits his musical meditations on a love that is both unreliable and indispensable."
—Washington Post

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